L’Événement MAP - 28 novembre 2023 à L'Étoile au DIX30 - Brossard !
Votre identifiant et votre mot de passe pour vous connecter à votre compte sont les mêmes que ceux utilisés avec SCiO Formation. Alors si vous aviez déjà un compte vous n’avez pas besoin de vous en créer un nouveau.

Gaining credibility with the ABC


Conceived and designed by advisers and for advisers, this guide puts forward a client-centered, pedagogical approach built over the last ten years of my experience. It provides a guideline to cover the essentials of each of the areas surrounding financial planning. The objective of this guide is to assist the advisers by bringing a pictorial support of the different basic concepts fundamental to personal finance. In this way, the adviser ensures a better understanding of the client and is able to communicate all the information he or she needs. The client will then be equipped to make an informed decision.

We believe that bringing better financial knowledge to our clients will lead to better financial habits. In this way, they will gradually become more responsible and financially independent in their long-term decision-making.

Marc-Etienne Salvail Pl.Fin. – Director of SCiO Formation

Would you like to discuss with a member of our team whether this tool is right for you based on your practice?

Leave us your contact information and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.


Increase your revenues and your efficiency in meetings

The ABC of Personal Finance manual that you will obtain with the training will allow you to adopt a proven meeting structure to allow you to have concrete and regular results with your clients. During this detailed training, you will see how to use the guide effectively with your clients.


Gaining a better understanding of your customer will make him a more loyal customer.

Your explanations are the key! They are part of the elements that will make the difference in winning over your customer, because conversely, a customer who does not understand your explanations will not do business with you. This is exactly what you will find in this training and guide.


Connect with your customers despite the distance

An extraordinary tool for your remote customer meetings! Thanks to the online platform, you will have a structured and professional visual to better explain the different concepts in personal finance to your clients. Your client, even at a distance, will be able to view the content while you explain important concepts.


Would you like to know more about this training?

Leave us your contact information and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

The ABC of Personal Finance

The 3.5-hour online training will be offered in a series of vignettes based on the six main themes of the ABC of Personal Finance, which are also the essential basics of personal finance. Each section will be introduced in the same manner as it is presented to the client and will be interspersed with comments and coaching elements. This will allow you to understand the angle to adopt according to the different situations often encountered when explaining each of the concepts to the client.

A total of 33 capsules distributed according to the following plan :

  • Intro et rôle du conseiller
  • La pyramide des priorités financières 
  • Les trois principaux risques
  • La rémunération
  • Aspects légaux
  • Les 4 familles d’assurance à avoir dans son portefeuille de protection
  • Quand les chiffres parlent 
  • L’assurance salaire et invalidité 
  • Cycle des besoins en assurance vie et comparatif des primes 
  • Croissance de la prime 
  • L’assurance maladie grave 
  • Récapitulatif des familles 
  • Compagnie d’assurance versus institution bancaire 
  • Conciliation d’assurance 
  • Introduction 
  • Les véhicules de placement – Le CÉLI 
  • Les véhicules de placement – Le REER 
  • Les véhicules de placement – Le REEE 
  • Les véhicules de placement – Le REEI 
  • Les produits financiers
  • L’Épargne systématique et les intérêts composés 
  • Les 10 règles d’or de l’investisseur prospère 
  • Ne manquez pas cette occasion 
  • Le temps guérit les maux 
  • Les marchés sont émotifs, mais vous ne devez pas l’être 
  • L’asymétrie entre les gains et les pertes
  • La cote de crédit 
  • Les ratios d’endettement et les mises de fonds 
  • Consolidation de dette 
  • Les taux à connaître 
  • Table d’impôt général

Prix : 750$ + tx

Nombre d’UFC et matière :  

2 UFC en matière générale

2 UFC en courtage en épargne collective

2 UFC en assurance de personnes



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